7th of May 2014

After the Non-Interconnected Islands Code (GREEK GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 304/Β/11.02.2014) is set into force, for the participation of the Load Representative in the Non-Interconnected Islands Market, the following procedure is followed based on the related regulations:

1. Submission of 
Application form  by the interested company (as Load Representative) to the non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator (Islands Network Operations- 29, Halkokondyli str, 104 32), for the conclusion of the Contact for the participation of Load Representative in the Market of the non-Interconnected Islands.
The application form will be accompanied by a folder that will include the following documents:
a. Copy of the Permit for Electricity Supply issued by RAE and from which the licensed capacity can be resulted.
b. Legal documents of the company (S.A. or
Limited Liability Company):
- Certified copy of the
company Statutes and its possible amendments or Codified Articles of Association.
- Greek Government Gazette
including the issuance of Articles of Association (company incorporation).
- Greek Government Gazette including the issuance of Articles of Association amendments, if any.
- Greek Government Gazette
issue referring to the company representation.
- Certificate issued by the Court of First Instance or by the General Electronic Commercial Registry (GEMI) mentioning that the company is not bankrupt.
γ. In case of a Societe Anonyme, Minutes of the Company’s Board of Directors referring to the appointment of representative for the signature of the Contract.
Affidavit  by the Company’s legal representative with authentication of the signature,   mentioning that the company’s activities are not applied in the Interconnected System, or if the activities of the company are applied in the Interconnected System, it should be mentioned that the capacity that is equivalent to the total of the represented meters in the Interconnected System and in the non-Interconnected Islands does not surpass the licensed capacity that is mentioned in the Supply Permit.

The Contract for the Participation of the Load Representative in the Market of the non-Interconnected Islands is concluded within fifteen (15) days from the submission of the application form along with the complete folder. 

3. Submission of an
 application form for the registration in the Registry of Load Representatives in the Non-Interconnected Islands Market, signed by the legal representative of the applicant and accompanied by the necessary documents as they are defined in detail in paragraph 3 of Article 23 of the Non-Interconnected Islands Code.

4. The non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator registers the Load Representative in the Registry of the Load Representatives within five (5) working days from the submission of the application form for the registration in the Registry of the Load Representatives in the non-Interconnected Islands with the complete folder and issues the relevant Registration Certificate.

5. The Load Representative should submit the Statement of Registered Meters Representation in the Meters Registry that is kept by the Non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator distinctively for each Non-Interconnected Islands System according to the regulations foreseen in the Article 13 of the Non-Interconnected Islands Network Code as well as the regulations specified respectively in the Code of Network Management and in the Manual for the Management of Meter Readings and Periodic Settlement of Network Suppliers.

6. The non-Interconnected islands Network Operator, based on the above mentioned Statement and provided that it is complete, calculates the amount of Guarantees pursuant Article 14 of the Non Interconnected Islands Network Code, as well as the fixed amount of the Financial Cost Coverage according to the regulations defined by Article 14 of the Non-Interconnected Islands Code and according to the regulations defined by Articles 15 and 16 of the Non-Interconnected Islands Code.

The notification is acknowledged in writing to the Load Representative within three (3) working days from the submission of the Statement.

7. The Load Representative submits the
letter of guarantee or the relevant amount at the Guarantees Account that is kept by the non-Interconnected Islands Network Operator, as well as the receipt for the payment of the Fixed amount for the Financial Cost Coverage.    

8. After the submission of the documents stated in the above mentioned paragraph 7, the relevant Certificate is issued for the activation of the Participation of the Load Representative in the Market of the non-Interconnected Islands.