HEDNO Chairman and CEO, Mr. N. Chatziargyriou, spoke at the Athens Energy Forum 2017 about the great benefits brought to economy and the consumers by the new bundle of measures “Clean Energy for All Europeans”. He also referred to HEDNO's “smart investments” and their role in promoting economic growth in Greece.

As Mr. Chatziargyriou pointed out, the package of new energy and climate change measures adopted by the European Commission, can boost EE’s GDP by 1% by the end of 2030, by contributing to economy almost 190 billion Euro and generating more than 900.000 new jobs.

Through a presentation of the key elements of HEDNO's business plan, Mr. Chatziargyriou focused on the Company's commitment to “smart investments”, innovation and new technologies, and stressed the multiple benefits brought by this strategy to the growth of Greek economy and the creation of new business opportunities.

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