integratinG Renewables in the EuropEaN Electricity Grid


Period: 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2015

Project Coordinator: IBERDROLA (Spain)

Project website:  

Funded by: Seventh Framework Programme, European Commission


IBERDROLA (Spain), ERDF (France) 
ENEL (Italy), RWE (Germany) 
Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain) 
SALZBURG AG (Austria) 
HEDNO (Greece), TECNALIA (Spain) 
RSE (Italy), AIT (Austria) 
ICCS-NTUA (Greece) 

IGREENGrid focuses on increasing the hosting capacity for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) in power distribution grids without compromising the reliability or jeopardizing the quality of supply. Based on the experience of six world class DRES integration Demo Projects in low & medium voltage grids (led by some of EEGI members; Distribution System operators DSOs) and other EU initiatives in this field, the ultimate goal of the project is to define and pool procedures, technological advances and best practices that will contribute towards increasing the capacity of electricity grids to receive distributed generation from renewable sources. Strong coordination with EEGI (European Electricity Grid Initiative), GRID+ project and other relevant initiatives will be established during the Project to receive appropriate feedback and to maximize the project impact.
IGREENGrid evaluates how the hosting capacity can be enlarged with the use of real time monitoring and advanced control: renewable energy production in the distribution systems up to the maximum amount permissible hosting capacity becomes crucial.
The core of IGREENGrid is to share knowledge and promote the best practices identifying potential solutions for the effective integration of DRES in the six existing Demo Projects in LV and MV grids participating to the project and validating them via simulation in other environments to assess the scalability and replicability at EU level.