
Following HEDNO’s Announcement dated on 27.03.2015 regarding the beginning of requests reception for PV systems with net metering, the following are clarified:

1. Specifically for the non-Interconnected Islands, according to the Ministerial Decision AΠΕ/ΗΛ/Α/Φ1/οικ.24461 (Greek Government Gazette /Β/3583/31.12.2014), given that the capacity of the PV systems is calculated in the in-force capacity margin for PV plants of each electricity system of the non-Interconnected Islands based on relevant RAE’s Decisions, the deadline of one (1) month from the submission of the request for the provision of connection offer (which is final and reserves the electric area), is in force provided that there is available PV capacity margin in the equivalent electricity system. The above mentioned elements are mentioned in the Informative Report and the Frequent Questions-Answers uploaded in HEDNO’s website.

2. For more detailed provision of information to the interested parties regarding the installation of such systems in the non-Interconnected Islands, a Table  is attached where the PV capacity margin approved by RAE, the capacity of the operating PV plants, the capacity of PV plants that have reserved electric area and they are under the procedure of acquiring permit, the available capacity margin for the satisfaction of new requests, as well as the total capacity of pending requests are mentioned per electricity system of the non-Interconnected Islands. The priority order of the requests per electricity system in the non-Interconnected Islands is kept based on the date of application form of each PV plant, as mentioned in the updated Tables in HEDNO’s website, under the “Non-Interconnected Islands Operator issues”. It is obvious that the new requests that will be submitted, they will be registered in the existing unified archive of PV plants requests per electricity system in the non-Interconnected Islands under the priority order of their submission after the already registered pending requests for PV plants.

3. It is pointed out that requests which will be sent to the competent Regions by mail or courier etc. will not take protocol number unless they are submitted on site. Specifically, during the first days of the submission of requests and provided that there is massive presence of applicants, each interested party can submit up to two (2) requests each time, keeping strictly the priority order (priority of presence in the competent service).

Also, the elements of the application form as well as the attached documents should be filled fully and correctly, so as the request to receive a protocol number. If the folder submitted has insufficient or incorrect documents, the request will not be accepted (will not receive a protocol number).