
 Following the completion of the procedure regarding the submission of Final Connection Offer applications for PV stations pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 132 of Law 4819/2021 (Α' 129), as in force, and the completion, by the Network Operator, of the required checks pursuant to the provisions of Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/81744/3673 (GGB’ 4221/10.08.2022), the Network Operator would like to inform all interested parties about the following: 

  1. Regarding the submitted Final Connection Offer applications for the saturated grids under paragraph 1 of article 132 of Law 4819/2021 (Α' 129), as in force, that have been rejected, the Network Operator will be accepting objections within 10 calendar days from the date of notification of the HEDNO Decision on the rejection of the Final Connection Offer application at these saturated grids.
  2. More specifically, for Final Connection Offer applications at these saturated grids (of paragraph 1) that have been rejected until the date of this Announcement and for which until the date of this Announcement no objection has been submitted, the deadline for the submission of such objections is 08.12.2023
  3. After the expiration of these deadlines, objections will no longer be accepted and any objections submitted after 08.12.2023 will not be reviewed, and no relevant updates will be shared to the interested parties.
  4. If the process for the return of the Letter of Guarantee has been completed, following the submission of a relevant Solemn Declaration by the interested party/producer applicant, after the rejection of a Final Connection Offer application for the above saturated grids, objections will no longer be accepted and reviewed, and no relevant updates will be shared to the interested parties.
  5. Objections against rejection letters issued by the Network Operator can be submitted by Final Connection Offer applicants whose submitted application has been rejected and in case of legal persons, by their legal representatives and persons legally authorized by them.
  6. Objections shall be exclusively submitted to “obj_ape_pelopon@deddie.gr” for Final Connection Offer applications that have been rejected regarding the saturated grid of the Peloponnese, and to “obj_ape_kriti@deddie.gr” for Final Connection Offer applications that have been rejected regarding the saturated grid of Crete.
  7. Following the review of the objections that will be submitted pursuant to paragraph 1 and 2 of this Announcement by the objections Committee of HEDNO, the respective decisions of the Committee will be forwarded to the investors in writing or online or by any other means that allows the accurate disclosure of the date and time of notification (email, via HEDNO’s RES platform or other means).
  8. Further objections or responses to parties that have objected against the decisions of HEDNO that will be issued on initial objections that have been submitted before the Network Operator during the above process or that have been issued following their review by HEDNO’s objections Committee, will not be accepted and reviewed, and no relevant updates will be shared to the interested parties.