We would like to announce that on 21/09/2023, HEDNO, as an NII Operator, published the Billing Notes of RES producers who are operating at NIIs for the July 2023 billing period.


We announce that from the clearance of the August 2023 production, HENDO will launch the method of SELF-BILLING EXLUSIVELY AND FOR ALL PRODUCERS after the passage of Article 153 of Law 5037/2023.
As a result, the bills will be now EXLUSIVELY issued by HEDNO and sent to the producers by email.

The owners of RES & CHP stations shall no longer issue energy sales invoices. Any invoices are inadvertently published, they shall be cancelled.

The Billing Notes are available online in the RES and CHP Clearance Notes Electronic System app.  The app is available here https://apps.deddie.gr/ApeInvoicesInfo/intro.html or by visiting the “Enter the RES Producers App” link at Non-Interconnected Islands section at HEDNO’s website.