30 September 2020


Regarding the application of Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/74462/2976 (GG 3150/Β/30.07.2020) for the installation of small wind turbine plants with installed capacity lower than or equal to 60 kW, HEDNO would like to inform all interested parties about the following:

  1. Applicants interested in the installation of small wind turbine plants with installed capacity lower than or equal to 60kW shall submit their application along with all necessary documentation to the Network Users Department (23 Syngrou Avenue, Athens 117 43) in order to receive a Connection Offer. More specifically, for Non-Interconnected Islands, all applications shall be submitted at the respective regions of HEDNO, as these are listed on the HEDNO NII Regions Table.
  2. For Non-Interconnected Islands, the total capacity of small wind turbine plants that shall be installed at each power system, shall be measured within the applicable capacity margin for installation of small wind turbines of this system, in accordance with the respective decision issued by RAE. The maximum total capacity of small wind turbine plants at the NII is determined on the basis of the available RES penetration capacity margins at the Power Systems-Clusters of the NII, in accordance with Decision RAE 616/21.12.2016, as listed in Small WT Margins Table.
  3. All necessary application forms together with all required documentation and information material shall be posted within fifteen (15) days on the Operator’s web page.
  4. Connection applications shall be treated as full and valid and shall be accepted by HEDNO provided that all required documentation and forms have been submitted as per the list provided in the Connection Application form. Applications with errors, omissions or discrepancies between the details and the documentation provided, shall be returned to the applicant together with the reason of the return explained in written and in detail.
  5. No more than two (2) applications shall be considered for a connection offer per natural or legal person or bodies whose shareholder or company structure is characterized by the participation of the same natural or legal person with a percentage over 50%, as well as applications for plants, for the connection of which the development of a new medium voltage, over one thousand (1,000) meters long network at a straight-line distance is required in accordance with par. 3 of article 4 of L. 4202/2013 (Α΄235).
  6. Regarding applications for the installation and connection with the distribution network of small wind turbine plants which were submitted to HEDNO after l. 4203/2013 was issued and before the suspension of the application process announced by HEDNO on 20.12.2013, and given that the issuance of this Ministerial Decision was pending for the outlining of the licensing process, these shall be submitted again by the interested parties to fulfill the provisions of the Ministerial Decision.